The Adapter for small sample volume (APM) consists in a precision spindle rotating inside a sample container. Container fits into a circulating water jacket for precise temperature control (-10ºC to +100ºC). It is commonly used when available sample is in very small quantities (8 13 ml).
Direct readout of sample temperature is possible by ordering an Adapter with embedded temperature sensor in lower cap. Shear Rate (SR) and Shear Stress (SS) determinations can be obtained using APM adapter in viscometer model V2.
APM standard Code APM-001
APM with embedded temperature sensor Code APM-001/T
Special spindle set TL5 TL7 for V1L / V2L Code APM-002
Special spindle set TR8 TR11 for V1R / V2R Code APM-003
Depending on the viscometer version it uses a different set of cylindrical spindles which have to be ordered separately: TL5-TL7 for L version and TR8-TR11 for R and H versions.
Viscosity range
V0L + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TL5 TL7): 3 - 200.000 mPas/cP
V0R + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 50 - 3.300.000 mPas/cP
V0H + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 4 - 266.000 dPas/P
V1L + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TL5 TL7): 1,5 - 200.000 mPas/cP
V1R + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 25 - 3.300.000 mPas/cP
V1H + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 2 - 266.000 dPas/P
V2L + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TL5 TL7): 1,5 - 600.000 mPas/cP
V2R + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 25 - 10.000.000 mPas/cP
V2H + SPECIAL SPINDLES SET (TR8 TR11): 2 - 800.000 dPas/P