Since establishments, we are working as a prominent supplier and exporter of Temperature Controller. These are largely demanded in spectroscopy lab, crystal growth R&D lab and medicals for maintaining the temperature of BOD chamber and incubators. Our Temperature Controller is made by a team of veteran professionals using top quality materials, following the norms and guidelines laid down by the industry. In addition, we offer these controllers in qualitative packaging to avoid damage during transportation.
Further Details
NATIONAL's benchtop temperature controller is ideal for all applications in a spectroscopy lab. We have used two (2) of these units in our crystal growth R&D lab for several years and have found them to be rugged, easy to use, versatile and reliable. We recommend this unit for any application and it is designed to operate with our Heated Vapor Gas Multi-Sampler (43208-5546), Heated Gas Cell (43208-7405), and the Heater Jacket for our long path gas cells (43208-7329).
The temperature controller is keypad programmable and all electrical connections and outputs are from the rear. It can control loads up to 15 amps and is available in 115 volt and 230 volt versions. Temperatures can be controlled within + 0.4oC or +/- 0.1% of the readout. The 230 volt version operates at either 50 or 60 Hertz and is CE marked. Digital readouts are shown on an illuminated fluorescent display. There are connections for (i) an external alarm, (ii) a recorder, and (iii) an RS-232 serial cable connection. In the 230 volt model there is a spare power output. There are also connections for 3 different types of sensors (i) RTD, (ii) thermistor or (iii) J, K or T type thermocouples. The unit comes with Windows compatible software for use with a PC. There is a software manual which is separate from the operating manual. There are both heater and instrument fuses.
Programmable features include multiple profiles (9 profiles) with multiple ramp and soak segments (16 levels) per profile and high and low temperature alarms. There is an assured soak feature which means that before going on to the next programmed ramp and soak segment, the segment will be extended until actual temperature reaches the setup temperature specified in that segment. The programmed parameters can be manually overidden from the keypad.
This unit is a PID controller, which allows for tuning of the Proportional Band (P), the Integral time (I) and the Derivative rate (D). There is also an auto tune feature, which optimizes the PID.
Part No. | Description |
43217-5548 | High Stability PID Digital readout Temperature Controller 115 volts |
43217-4804 | Same as 43217-5548 but 230 volts, CE marked |
Type J | Iron Constantan | -100oC - + 872oC |
Type K | Chromel Alumel | 0oC - + 1370oC |
Type T | Copper Constantan | -100oC - + 400oC |