Note: Range is dependant on measuring instrument used.
The DTK comprehensive Boiler Test Kit has been developed specifically for engineers and treatment professionals responsible for the maintaining and management of boiler systems. This test kit has been designed to include the key parameters which enable the monitoring of samples in these water systems ensuring optimum operating conditions are maintained.
The kit provides accuracy and speed, utilizing drop test and comparator reagents together with electronic meters for the most efficient monitoring of water samples. The reagents and equipment are specified below.
The NACBTK001 is supplied in a robust carry case with reagents and instruments secured by a high quality chemical resistant foam insert with sufficient chemical reagents to carry out between 100 and 200 tests.
Boiler water systems and boiler feedwater systems require regular and careful monitoring to ensure the correct water conditions are maintained within an approved treatment programme.
Any failure to maintain the correct levels and dosing of the chemical treatments can lead to:
These can lead to unstable water conditions with potential negative consequences to the life of the plant and operating costs.