420 Continuous Flow Hydride Generator
The Model 420 is an easily adaptable accessory for flame AA spectro photo meters that allows PPT detectability for As, Se, Sb, Sn, Te, Bi, and Ge using standard hydride generation procedures. Using inert Polymer components and a reliable pumping system, users can quickly switch between flame and hydride.
Allows superior Detection limits for hydride metals
compared to graphite furnace AAS, typically in the 100-500 PPT.
Does not require hydrogen gas.
Easy Installation and removal for changing back to flame operation.
Four order of magnitude dynamic range using the Buck model
210/211 system for highest accuracy over a wide range of sample
concentrations minimizing dilutions and errors.
Inert Tubing gives rapid equilibration time allowing typical
through puts of 50 samples per hour with reproducibilities of better
than 2% at the 500 PPT level.