Flow Cups
These flow cups cover most of the standards specified in Britain, France, Germany, USA and by ISO.
With the exception of Zahn and Parlin (Brass) type all flowcups are precision machined from high quality aluminium and feature stainless steel nozzle inserts (depending upon the standard specification).
Product Code Orifice diameter Viscosity range Flow times
Ref 401 Series (old type) BS3900 : Part A6, 1971 401/2 - B2 2.38mm (0.09) 38-71cSt 30 - 300 secs
This specification replaced by EN ISO 2431/8S3900 401/3 - B3 3.17mm (0.12) 38-147cSt
part A6:1996 - see Ref 417 401/4 - B4 3.97mm (0.16) 71-455cSt
401/5 - B5 4.76mm (0.19) 299-781cSt
401/6 - B6 7.14mm (0.28) 781-1650cSt
Ref 404 Series (old type) DIN 53 211 404/4 4mm (0.16) 112 - 685cSt 25 - 150 secs
The orifices are manufactured from stainless steel. (For options
N.B. Special orifices available to order see Ref 417)
e.g. 404/2mm; 404/6mm; 404/8mm.
This specification replaced by EN ISO 2431 - see Ref 417
Ref 406 series ASTM D1200 (Ford) 406/1 No 1 2.1mm (0.08) 10-35cSt 55-100 secs
The orifices are manufactured from stainless steel. 406/2 No 2 2.8mm (0.11) 25-120cSt 40-100 secs
406/3 No 3 3.4mm (0.13) 49-220cSt 30-100 secs
406/4 No 4 4.1mm (0.16) 70-370cSt 30-100 secs
406/5 No 5 5.8mm (0.23) 200-1200cSt 30-100 secs
Ref 417 Series BS EN ISO 2431, ASTM D 5125, 417/3 No 3 3 mm (0.12) 7-42cSt 30-100 secs
BS3900 part A6:1996 417/4 No 4 4mm (0.16) 35-135cSt
The orifices are manufactured from stainless steel 417/5 No 5 5mm (0.20) 91-325cSt
417/6 No 6 6mm (0.24) 188-684cSt
417/8 No 8 8mm (0.31) 600-2000cSt
Ref 419 Series AFNOR CUPS. NF -T - 30014 419/2.5 2.5mm (0.10) 5-140cSt 30-100 secs
419/4 4mm (0.16) 50-1100cSt
419/6 6mm (0.24) 510-5100cSt
417/8 No 8 8mm (0.31) 700-11500cSt
Ref 420 Series FRIKMAR CUP. 420/2 2mm (0.08) 25-150 secs
A dip cup format based on old Ref. 404 style cup 420/4 4mm (0.16) 112-685cSt
DIN 53 211. (internal dimensions) 420/6 6mm (0.24)
The orifices are manufactured from stainless steel
Ref 405 Series ASTM D 4212 Zahn Cups. 405/1 1.93mm (0.08) 5-60cSt 35-80 secs
These cups are manufactured from brass 405/2 2.69mm (0.11) 20-250cSt 20-80 secs and then bright nickel plated for a superior finish 405/3 3.86mm (0.15) 100-800cSt 20-80 secs
405/4 4.39mm (0.17) 200-1200cSt 20-80 secs
405/5 5.41mm (0.21) 400-1800cSt 20-80 secs