Integrated RCMSi Technology for Remote Calibra-
The NAC 195/1 series of spectrophotometric colorimeters introduces
a unique concept in liquid colour control: RCMSi technology (Remote
Calibration & Maintenance Service via internet). You can now benefit
from the capability for remote calibration and servicing via the internet
- eliminating any costs and time delays associated with servicing and
guaranteeing compliance with standards.
Watch the RCMSi video to see how easy the procedure is.
Automatic and Non-subjective Colour Measure-
The NAC 195/1 range provides absolute results. Automatic
instruments communicate in clear terms, accurately and reliably with
no opportuni- ty for human error or misjudgement.
Consistent Data Compliant with International Stan-
The NAC 195/1 range automatically measures colour and displays
results directly, either according to the traditional grading scales that
have been wideley adopted as industry standards for colour
assessment and control, or in terms of internationally recognised
CIE values and spectral data.
Very Rugged, Chemically Resistant, Steel Con-
The robust steel construction enables you to use the NAC 195/1 even
in the harshest of environments.
Integrated RCMSi Technology for Remote
Automatic and Non-subjective Colour
Consistent Data Compliant with Interna-
tional Standards
Very Rugged, Chemically Resistant, Steel
Easy Maintenance with Removable Sample Cham-
The instruments include a robust steel sample chamber which is easi-
ly removed so you can clean it or replace it should spillage occur.
Extensive and Flexible Choice of Colour Scales
You can choose from a selection of over 20 different, internationally
recognised scales in a variety of combinations.
Remote Upgrade Facility
Uniquely, however, you do not need to make the choice of scales at
point of purchase. The NAC 195/1 instruments are upgradeable in the
field - so you can add a scale at a later date.
Calculation and Description of "Off-Hue" Status
This is a useful facility that enables you to reveal whether the sample
colour is characteristic of the selected scale. Where appropriate, it in-
cludes a description of hue difference (eg. redder, greener), relative
saturation (stronger or weaker) and an off-hue factor (a relative mea-
sure of the distance away in colour space of the sample colour from
the "true" colour scale).
Supplied with Colour Control Software for Data
The software allows you to generate spectral and CIE diagrams as
well as analyse spectral data. It also permits direct control of the in-
strument from the computer.